Les Juifs de Salonique
Using live Sephardi music and Greek shadow puppetry Gomito bring to life the untold story of the oldest Jewish community in Europe. Salonica had been a Jewish city since the time of St Paul. When World War II broke out it’s community faced decimation at the hands of the Nazis. Leaping between the modern day and the devastating past a fast-paced physical ensemble examine the propaganda and predjudice which faced the inhabitants of the city.
The National Theatre- as part of the International Connections Festival
The Robinson Theatre, Cambridge
Paradise at St. Augustines, Edinburgh
’enthralling…successfully leaves you numb and breathing heavily’ Three Weeks
‘showing some other much more experienced companies that the new generation are coming and they better watch out!‘ Edinburgh Guide
Deviser/Performer: Beatrice Bertrum
Deviser/Performer: Alexandra Bigg
Deviser/Performer: Myvanwy Cooper
Technician: Ian Cutting
Deviser/Performer: John Dumont
Deviser/Performer: Claire Durant
Writer: Ed Emery
Director/Writer: Richard Fredman
Deviser/Performer: Kate Gault
Deviser/Performer: Alex Jenyon
Deviser/Performer: Helena Johnson
Deviser/Performer: Emily Lesley
Deviser/Performer: Hannah Menhinick
Deviser/Performer: Rich Rusk
Deviser/Performer: Alexander Scott
Deviser/Performer: Richard Smith
Deviser/Performer/Producer: Sam Worboys
2nd Version Team Members: Amelia Bird, Rosie Pettit, Celia Thurman